English Teacher

My name is Carlos Andrés Rojas Corrales, I am an English teacher. I have been working at Santo Domingo de Guzman School for 11 years.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

Almost everybody uses the Internet at home. But is it a great invention? I think there are both advantages and disadvantages. People everywhere spend hours surfing on the net.

The first advantage is that you can keep in touch with your family or friends anywhere around the world. Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, instagram help you to get close your special friends.

 I believe that the Internet is an important source of fast information, although its veracity is sometimes questionable.

Another advantage is that you can work  or study from home or wherever you are.

It also has some advantages like you can shop, pay your debts and read since home improving your life style.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. sometimes on the net there is lack of privacy, mainly in social networking (like  facebook , instagram…).

I think that shopping online is dangerous, because there are information thieves, and you can lose your savings in seconds.

In conclusion, although living with the Internet has some advantages and improve your life style, it is used in bad way.


98 comentarios:

  1. advantages and disadvantages of internet

    you could say that the internet has been and will be the best invention in the world, but like any invention has advantages and desvebtajas


    -used for information search
    -used to communicate with family and friends
    -used to watch movies, music videos
    -used to sell and buy items for free market and olx
    -used to download music and videos


    -there are several people who use the internet to mount images or videos adult, young mounted images to social networks to give them link
    if you know what consequences this brings

    the internet right through robberies, kidnappings, espionage among other things


    the internet is a good tool for the person who knows how to use, also need to be careful when we surf the internet because there are bad people who can hurt us through this medium

  2. The Internet in spite of being one of the inventions mas important for the history as other one any invention or object has his advantages and his disadvantages

    * It serves us to speak with persons who live far
    * It serves us to raise photos and chat
    * It serves to know new persons
    * It serves us to do homework
    * It is used to see novels or movies to listen to music or to come out and to see video

    * In the Internet there are sites into which one can never get, and if the people cannot use it can that between
    * There are dangerous people who can do one to us defraud

  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

    The internet is a great worldwide tool, and it can be used in many ways like buy things when you don't have the way to reach the place where you want to go, like for learn something new about an specific topic, and even to watch stupid videos of stupid people doing stupid things, but like anything in this world it has advantages and disadvantages, something good about the internet is that you can find a lot of information o it, but something bad about this lot of information is that not every single thing you find on internet is right, and by right I mean accurate info, another good thing about internet is that you can contact with people that is far from you, but the bad thing about talking with people far away is that not everyone, not every single person using internet is a nice person, so as an advice, talking with strangers is not always a good idea.
    There are a lot of good things about internet but for each good thing there's a bad side, and what we do on internet and the judgement about if it's wrong or right depends on the opinion of different people, for example, for someone of us, using social networks is ok, but for someone else it could be a waste of time, a distraction, a way to get kidnapped or something like that.
    What I want to say is that internet will influence our lives and our way to think about it depending on the way we use it everyday

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  5. Internet is no longer a new phenomenon, but has certainly revolutionized the world as it was known 30 years ago. It is a global phenomenon, closely linked with communication, but it greatly influences on almost all areas of society.


    * Makes communication much simpler.
    * You can meet and interact with many people from all over the world.
    * Information search becomes much easier, without having to go forcibly traditional libraries.
    * You can find many different points of view on any news.
    * It is possible to create and download free software for their collaborative tools.
    * Your computer is updated periodically easier than if we had internet.
    * You can find technical support of any kind on any tool or process.
    * The tracking information in real time is possible through the Internet.
    * You can buy easily to other stores for other p
    * And you can share many personal things or knowledge that can serve another, and thus, becomes very profitable.


    * Just as it is easy to find good information, you can find just as bad, nasty (pornography, graphic violence, terrorism) that may particularly affect children information.
    * You generated a large agency or internet service, descuidandote many personal things or business.
    * Makes less students strive to do their homework, because the bad practice of copy / paste.
    * The main bridge is internet piracy (Elton John has jumped on this too, hehe)
    * Distracts employees in their work.
    * Unit processes. If there is a cut of internet, there are many processes that are stranded by that agency.
    * Unit of electricity. If there is a power outage at home, bye internet (not the case of conventional telephony).
    * It arouses other problems such as spam, malware, proliferation of viruses, phishing, etc.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Advantages and Disadvantages

    The internet has changed our lifes because this invention has made easier some aspects of our lifes, as pay bills when we can't go to the bank , communicate with other persons in other parts of world, with our family or friends through the social networks buy all kind of things, and sell all kind of things. also with the internet we can learn, do our homeworks and it is a good form of entertainment.
    but also the internet has some bad aspects, for example with the social networks the people hasn´t privacy because all persons can see the information of the profile, also a lot of persons become addicted to the internet because this have a lot of ways to entertainment. the internet is not very secure but it is very funny

  8. Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, the greater magnitude of its advantages outweighs its disadvantages.
    Faster Communication
    The foremost target of Internet has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. New innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable.

    Information Resources
    Information is probably the biggest advantage that Internet offers. Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service on the Internet.

    Entertainment is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, the Internet has become quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry.

    Social Networking
    One cannot imagine an online life without Facebook or Twitter. Social networking has become so popular amongst youth that it might one day replace physical networking. It has evolved as a great medium to connect with millions of people with similar interests. Apart from finding long-lost friends, you can also look for a job, business opportunities.


    Theft of Personal Information
    If you use the Internet for online banking, social networking or other services, you may risk a theft to your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc.

    Virus Threat
    Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems. Virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link.

    Pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of the Internet. Internet allows you to access and download millions of pornographic photos, videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be detrimental for children and teenagers.

    Social Disconnect
    Thanks to the Internet, people now only meet on social networks. More and more people are getting are drifting apart from their friends and family. Even children prefer to play online games rather than going out and mingling with other kids.

  9. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

    the internet is a great tool if we know it to use, we can do many things by this means, but it should be noted that many are misuse, and this becomes a danger to society
    The advantages are:
    find relatives and friends who are far away, purchase and sale of products , share photos with your friends and family, unknown places, See videos of all kinds.
    The disadvantages are many as well:
    the disadvantages are: meet with unknown bad people. filtration of personal data. and thousands of things, but in the end the internet is a great help and a good tool if we know it to use. everything is in the use we give to this medium

  10. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
    the internet is a tool that has revolutionized our lives completely, changed the way of see the world, the comunications, the work, the technological development, but as has advantages also has disadvantages, and aren't disadvantages of the internet, is the bad use that give unscrupulous people leveraging of bad way and the use for activitys malicious.

    The internet have very points of views, some say that is good, others say that is bad, that is a time loss, in the end, there are many opinions and is possible that many are correct, but it is defined by the intentions of the person.

    With the internet we can amuse, instruct, learn new things, but also find things that aren't the most appropriate for see, as it is an access network to the public.

    In conclusion, the internet is good or bad depending the use of each person.

  11. The internet is "important" in these times for our community but this like many important things have consequences, now we will present the pros and cons
    * Information on hand.
    * Improves communication.
    * Global Information.
    * The ease of finding books, movies and other documents.
    * Easy for students to find their tasks.

    * Sometimes it's not quality information.
    * It takes us away from the physical world.
    * Different versions of world news.
    * It is the main source of piracy.
    * Students at least strive to do their homework.

  12. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
    the internet has made that many things better, as the communication, research and information also send messages is easier than in last, but this facility has affected style of life, has changed the jobs and the dependence the technology is bigger than past
    The advantage biggest for me is the way of communication, for that is possible know and interact with new people, communicate with friends or family that are away. The internet also helps in our knowledge, the internet stores information that we can read with facility. It is also a source of entertainment as for example the online games and social networks. If we are use the internet correctly, makes life easier.
    When we use the internet, also brings disadvantages, for example when we communicate with strangers, we don´t know the intentions of them and that can be risky. Other disadvantages is the information provided to us, sometimes the information is incorrect and we can harm and by entertainment, brings addiction problems and prevents us from social development.

  13. The internet had been a great means of communication because everybody use it and is very important to communicate with each other. It has some advantage and some disadvantage:
    The university’s students take advantage that the internet is free for the communication and investigate.
    The students use it for surf in websites and practice their hobbies.
    The police use the internet to collect some information about someone.
    The internet gets the communication easier.
    The internet gets possible to download any software much easier.
    The internet is the principal contributor for the piracy
    The internet gets an addiction for some people.
    The internet makes that some students don’t strive for do their homework.

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  15. The Internet is another wonderful invention that man has created, as in any part of the world that serves or has served us for camera in social networks, chat publications at any time also serves to another person and make friends, and, on the other hand, serves as a research Tool or work in our study, and more join us with our relatives in foreign countries, and even more in order to meet people from other countries, cultures, languages and take into account that has this tool must be used well.

  16. The internet brings clear benefits to society such as the ease in communication, can buy and sell products and services, see all kinds of content and find useful information and necessary.
    But as in everything there is always a bad thing for example it is true that we can communicate over long distances but ignore those who are near, sometimes also the information it provides is higher than needed and unreliable and finally we are always subject to that someone can get all our information which is not good enough.

  17. Advantages and disadvantages of internet
    Internet is useful for a student because it allows him to answer every kind of questions he has by studying. an advantage of internet is to manifest different types of opinions in a critical or experimental way. it helps us to choose freely with what opinion we feel more identified.

    -it makes communication a lot easier and possible in large distances.
    -it helps us find interactive apps that develop our learning capacity quick.
    -its possible to interact with friends, familiars and people we know at different points of the world.
    -internet gives us the chance to be informed all the time of everything that happens in the world.

    - we can become obsessed with the internet and become dependent to it.
    - when you are in the internet you have a great risk to be in a conversation with a stranger that could be an assassin, a robber or even a pedophile.
    -unfortunately because of the immensity of communication in social networks thanks to the internet, we are loosing the contact between families.

    in conclusion internet its a very useful tool that helps us in our academic activities and is also very useful to communicate with people far from us. But its also one of the biggest addictive and hazardous systems in the world because it makes us addictive to it and it also can gives us a lot of different diseases such as obesity and a sedentary life style.

  18. Internet has been something important in our lives, because it is used for almost everything, with internet we can set conversations on line, we can perform file transfer using a diferente languages which have revolutionized the mail. With the Internet, we can communicate immediately with whatever person around the world. Many companies using the e-mail for internal communication within the state or private organizations .
    Actually, the Internet is a network that connects networks and computers distributed around the world, allowing us that we communicate, search and transfer information without requirements technological and economic.


    - Easier communication
    - Meet people around the world
    - Easier to find information without having to go to libraries
    - Find diferents ideas about some notice
    - It's possible find help
    - We can share many personal things or knowledge
    - Shop


    - You can find bad information
    - Porn or violence, some people look it bad
    - Dependence or addiction for the Internet
    - Piracy
    - Prostitution
    - Spam, malware

    Leidy M SIerra Martínez 11°A

  19. Juan Camilo Valeta Mendoza 11ºA

    The internet is without doubt one of the tools most commonly used today, because of all the things that can be achieved with it. The internet among many things has allowed greatly improve the communication between the persons who are far away, it has also allowed the information to reach all sides of a very fast. In spite of the fact that the internet has generated a great leap forward in terms of communication, in the social field has generated several disadvantages one of them is the insecurity because now all the personal information is there and sometimes people with bad intentions can make things that can harm a person in a very efficient manner and easy.

  20. the internet is a set of communication networks,that meeting the need of human; this has advantages and disadvantages, which are:
    * is the source of information more big in the world
    * we offers different mass media which are(facebook,twitter,myspace)
    *we allows always is connected with the rest of the world
    * we offers entertainment
    **we allows have access to an image,video-clip and other type of information
    *the internet is a tool very important for the school and the work.
    * is possible find bad information; which are (violence,terrorism)
    * makes you dependent of this mass media
    *you neglect the work , the friends and family; to remain more time in the internet
    *is the mass media more unsafe
    *the information about you is not longer private, all can know your personal life
    In generally, the mass media are not bad, if we know as used. It is your responsibility convert in a advantages.

    Adriana Hassay Miranda Herrera 10-B

  21. Through the Internet, we can also develop online conversations, as the now famous . We can also perform file transfer using a common course for this leguaje which have revolutionized the way we communicate, and left virtually obsolete as the old mail system. With them we can communicate almost instantly with anyone in the world , regardless of where you are.

    - It 's much easier communication.
    - You can meet and interact with many people from all over the world.
    - Information search becomes much easier, without having to go forcibly traditional libraries .
    - You can find many different points of view on any news .

    - Just as it is easy to find good information , you can find just as bad , unpleasant information (pornography, graphic violence , terrorism) that may particularly affect children.
    - I generated a large agency or internet service , descuidandote many personal things or business .
    - Makes less students strive to do their homework , because malpractice Copy and Paste .


  22. in my opinion the internet has been one of the most wonderful creations of the man through the history and has contributed in a very noticeable way to the development of technology.

    -the people can communicate more easily with people who are away
    -the students can study, learn and consult more easily through the internet
    -through the internet the people may be easily informed about the events that occur in the world

    -people neglect the important people like family
    -virus, virtual hackers, dishonest and malicious people, rapists and abusers who use the internet as a means to commit a crime
    -young people neglect the study for be all the time in social networks

  23. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

     The Internet is a medium that helps us communicate with all the people and us , you can interact with them and we are able to find information they require for the job search and it prevents us to go to a library if we can not go to them and more importantly this whole time we require the Internet at any time of day or night one of the good things about the Internet is that we have porta news , knowledge and study . another great advantage having the Internet is that it helps us to understand a text in another language simply by placing it in a translator , however gives us several tools that can work it to our circumstances , also provide us see pictures, videos , music, and be aware of other countries and cultures.

     Disadvantages having the internet is that if you do not know can use us great harm in our lives and psychologically, spiritually , emotionally. , And another disadvantage that can be found in the same way , bad unpleasant information , generates the interne and Vice us we can get sick , we can encourage pornography to violence , aggressiveness and being rapists, the Internet affects students in their academic background , makes them aggressive , and irresponsible. If we do not use the Internet can lead us to make a danger to society , it also separates us communication with our loved ones.

    wilmar smith martin 10*B

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  25. The Internet is important for that it helps us with the communication, to do tasks etc advantages Does the much simpler communication. The follow-up of the information in time royal is possible across the Internet. The search of information turns much simpler Disadvantages generates a great dependence or vice of the Internet neglects you of many personal or labor things. Principal bridge of the piracy When photos are shared in Internet, in the social networks, can suffer that these photos aparescan in pages of pornography, other profiles, etc.

  26. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

    *makes communication much easy
    *We can communicate with people from different parts of the world
    *Information search becomes much easier, without having to go forcibly traditional libraries
    *You may find different views of the news
    *You can make purchases and transfers from the house

    *You can find it unpleasant information as pornography, violence and terrorism that affects minors
    *false information
    *careful when entering the internet with any website because there may be malware to our computers is addressed

    María Angélica Guerra Urrego 10°B

  27. advantage

    -With the engines we have access to information in seconds . Not only to keep up on the news, but to see a specific topic.

     -Can generate mass campaigns of solidarity and help for a cause or charitable purpose .

     -You can attend a class in real time that is dictated in another part of the world.

     -You can browse many pages to practice educational activities.

    -Through social networking , video conferencing , chats or specialized portals we access discussions , comments, reviews , photos , videos of others

    -The internet allows us to have better communication with people around the world.


     -Private information can be misused by others to discredit a person , do bullying act for criminal purposes and can also be paid for spoofing.

    -We can find all kinds of pages , blogs, wikis do not provide correct information.

    -there are pages that contain viruses, they can infect our computers .

     -Internet usage in excess can generate high degree of dependence and addiction also physical and mental ailments and diseases caused by excess thereof as depression, dependence on online games, nomofobia , cibermareo , etc. .

    -less communication between families from excessive Internet use is presented .

    -the internet is also a fact that kids today do not do sports.

  28. The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet are:
    * Makes communication much easier
    * We can meet new people
    * Search and information becomes more easily
    * It serves as a means of communication
    * Serves entertainment

    * Generates vices and addictions
    * Distracts employees and students in their daily work
    * We become more lazy
    * You can find bad information
    *'s Main source of piracy

  29. i think that the advantages of the internet is, best communication with our friends, best navigation for everything internet for example find and see images, videos or music, here we can make homework easily, with the internet we can play with ours friends for example online or servers, we can pay easily or reserve a appointment

    but the internet has disadvantages like a little privacy in the social networks, a little caution for navigation because we can find pornography or virus easily the internet have little security and the last disadvantage is very much congestion :3

    i woul say internet is a bad in the other hand we have some good things like:
    -different kind of services
    -you can work and find job with internet
    -you can buy things by this service

    but its disadvantages are so many, because we only see and use a little bit of it
    its bad side is called the DEEP WEB, this thing has a lot of information from different things and this DEEP WEB has an aditional bad side called DARK WEB in which we can find children pornography, drug dealers, paid killers, and another kind of dark and psychotic stuff.


  31. advantages:
    -we can be in touch with people
    -the internet gives us information about any topic of your interest
    -have social networks that facilitates the communication with people
    -the internet shows interesting videos for distraction
    -the internet can perform many tasks
    -the internet lets us show our view and create a place where you can talk about what you think ...
    -the internet gives us fun online games
    -Look for the internet if you have questions on any topic in your own interest and learn more

    -there are many people who put false information to confuse people
    you can return us dependent on internet
    beware-some pages on the internet that may have virus
    -have to be careful with people posing as other people
    -the internet gives basic ideas were not well focused on a theme
    -the internet can be very unsafe as we can steal data
    -the internet allows you to view your photos and are exposed to that someone would steal
    -the internet moves us away from people and we always want to contact them by and not in person. It is bad for good communication

  32. the diversity of internet has both positive and negative content .. many people use the internet to have easier communication, interact with people from other places that are a long distance, download different programs for their work or daily activities, buy different products goods or services that may be important to someone.
    negative content could be the manipulation of information that is being offered, depending on the electronic device either computer, iphone etc .. great information pornography or violence without moderation, distracting in many school activities and daily responsibilities

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. Advantages and disadvantages of the internet
    The internet as we used to do productive things, also has its bad parts or disadvantages.

    We used to communicate with distant family and friends
    It is a tool that facilitates research with a very broad content
    We can buy products from all parts of the world or buy services
    We can get to know people with the same personal tastes in social networks
    You can find different opinions from people on whatever subject
    We can be informed 24 hours a day. We can download programs to the computer

    We know what bad people in social networks, can be anonymous
    If we buy something, we may run the risk of a theft or a bad product
    We can find information of bad content such as pornography or violence
    If you are downloading content is not allowed may be penalised
    It is a place where you will see much piracy
    You can be a distraction for a job

  35. Advantages: You can conduct personal and business transactions from your home. You can even work from home because of the internet. You can access information quickly from anyone, anywhere in the world. The internet has helped the economy grow faster. People no longer have to waste travel time to go shopping.

    Disadvantages: Hackers can steal money from your accounts. People can con you out of money through the internet and not get caught if they know how to do it right. Criminals can use the internet for their own purposes ( fraudulent sales, hacking bank accounts, stealing personal and private information, etc.)

    conclusion: For most young people the internet is very useful, as they can do their jobs, communicate with friends, colleagues, with your boyfriend or girlfriend and their family. It is very useful to learn and research more about a subject tool.

  36. The internet has changed the lives of many people since its inception. Currently in our lives is very important because we use it in many ways as the communication with distant friends and family, plus serve for education and work. This is a tool that can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on how we use.
    -You may find useful information easily
    -communication with distant friends and family
    -we can find music and video
    -We can find and buy products
    -It enables us to keep us informed.
    -Generates a dependency type
    -students strive less on task
    -piracy of different materials such as music or texts
    -ease of finding bad personal information
    -virtual virus proliferation

    Emanuel Rojas 11-A

  37. I think that the internet it has changed the life human since the last sigle because the internet do a new form of see the world. The idea of understand the need of the people is know. ¿we that we want?, for this reason el internet has been create is for a a lot of ideas how comunicate, share, know, learn, in the others, on the other hand this reason do lost the contact human. Someone reason because the internet have things positives and negatives:
    Comunicate: without the internet, the message was late a long time days or week, and now with the internet is a miliseconds, easy acces, see face to face, told online, but the problem is not sure someone person can see your conversation and the lost the contact human.
    learn: in the before time people walk to library for search information or read the book, Now with the Internet very easy algun is obtained I document, but many people steal ideas of other authors losing the identity of that I believe the information.
    How all in the life there positives and negatives things only is to know your good use.

    William Aguilar Restrepo 11°B

  38. The internet today on day has become a tool for the human being but this has advantages and disadvantages.

    The adventages are: facilitates the communication with the vast majority of people in the world Family, friends and others, It also makes it much easier to research, performing tasks and not to strive seeking information in books, The internet also gives us more easily find national and international news , Makes buying tickets, serves as a support tool At work, school and university , It is also used as a means of entertainment , And it is used as an advertising medium.

    But it also has many disadvantages as the virus in the internet If you do not have a good antivirus then will need the help of a good technical and that means spending money , Excessive use of the internet takes us away from the social interaction and sports, The porn sites is something Not suitable for all the people who frequent the internet , The information given or received via the internet may be false And The abuse of social networks.

    María Camila Sanabria Alvarez 10°B

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  40. For me the internet has more advantages than disadvantages, because the internet only serves as benefits for one person, and the disadvantage is when people misuse the internet. for example

    The internet helps us to find investigations, inquiries, unfamiliar words, find information, communicate with a family member, friend or colleague via messaging or video calls and games that can be didactic.

    there are bad people who use the internet, how to use the media insults, bulgares words can hurt a person, people also use the internet to upload bad reviews, burlesque images, falsehoods, pornography, etc ...

    Juan Pablo Vargas Gaviria 10 B

  41. Internet has become a medium used by many, that serves as both entertainment and information tools for education and work.
    Internet offers, among other things, benefits such as:
    - makes communication much easier.
    -Is it possible to meet and interact with many people from all over the world.
    - Search information becomes much easier, without having to necessarily go to the traditional libraries.
    -You may find many different points of view on any news.

    As well as it has advantages, also has disadvantages:

    -as well as easy to find good information, information can be found in the same way bad, nasty (pornography, explicit violence, terrorism) which may affect especially children.
    -Generates great dependency or the internet habit, neglecting many things personal or business people.
    - Makes that students do less to do their tasks, due to the bad practice of the copy-paste.
    - Distracts employees in their work.

    As well as everything, there are good things and bad things, as we must learn to balance our use of the internet to make it profitable in our lives.


  42. The internet is a set of communication networks,that meet the need of the person, this has advantages and disadvantages, which are:

    -The communication is easier.
    -We offers various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, which are one of the important and enables us to stay connected with the rest of the world.
    -We can find different opinions from people on whatever subject.
    -We can see videos online.
    -We can download videos, images, interviews, documents, e.t.c
    -Besides being a source of information, presents programs entertainment industry.
    -The internet can perform many tasks.
    -The internet gives us the opportunity to be informed all the time because it gives us breaking news.

    -The publication of false information, to confuse the reader.
    -The internet can be very unsafe as we can steal data of the social networks.
    -The internet can have many virus.
    -Less students strive to do their homework, because malpractice copy and paste.
    -The communication in social networks thanks to the internet, we are losing the contact between families.
    -Distracts employees in their work.
    -The internet create addiction in we the young.
    -Finally the hackers.

    In conclusion, the internet its a very useful tool that helps us to we communicate with people far from us also is a very useful in our academic activities. But its also one of the biggest addictive and hazardous systems in the world.

  43. The Internet is a medium that enables the human being to have the way to communicate to different audiences without any barriers or difficulties, it is also very useful for both research and for education as it is an ideal medium for imparting quality education.
    On the Internet we can find advantages and disadvantages.
    Its advantages are:
    '- The communication is much simpler
    - It is possible to purchase products more easily
    - Information search becomes much easier
    - You can interact with many people from all over the world.

    Its disadvantages are:
    - Find objectionable information such as pornography, graphic violence, terrorism etc.. That applies particularly to minors.
    - The main bridge of piracy.
    - Generates a dependence or addiction to various social networks.

    Daniela López Orrego 10° A

  44. For me internet is very important because its very accesible to new information, and we can search for whatever we want like things of our interest, also it lets us study by a virtual way anytime, but it also has disadvantages like insecurity and wrong information

  45. the internet.
    In my opinion is a tool we can use to our advantage to inform and communicate around the world and know what happens in it, this type of tool can be a great advantage when we work or do other activities as entertainment or learning, but can also be a big danger for the kids if it is not given the proper use, today we look the freedom that today's children make use of it without parental supervision, this should not be so, so should be used whit responsible adult supervision, but without abusing privacy with each account, it is very important to be aware that content observe our children, which often extortion to the minors or we can see cyberbullying that induce the kids to have duicide toughts or this things.

  46. some internet advantages are:
    we can talk with relatives, friends, familiar people that are far away and are hard to see or visit regularly, looking it by the work side it can be used to send e-mails, to save different kind of documents, to save a lot of time doing homeworks, searching for an specific topic

    the disadvantages of internet are:

    people have became very dependent to this tool and it's very hard to make someone who is in constant use of internet, leave it and look for other options

  47. some internet advantages are:
    we can talk with relatives, friends, familiar people that are far away and are hard to see or visit regularly, looking it by the work side it can be used to send e-mails, to save different kind of documents, to save a lot of time doing homeworks, searching for an specific topic

    the disadvantages of internet are:

    people have became very dependent to this tool and it's very hard to make someone who is in constant use of internet, leave it and look for other options


    The Internet to produced an important change in our company, the Internet was created in order to be a tool of work but it has divided in advantages and in disadvantages.

    - It is a Source of communication between persons
    - It is possible to work and study virtually
    - it is possible to buy virtually
    - we can see videoes
    - it is a tool of learning
    - it is possible to interact in the different social networks
    - Is a way of amusement to play

    - He promotes the sensura
    - The persons become lazy
    - It is possible to find erroneous information
    - We lose the personal contact with the persons
    - It is used for illegal acts
    - It can cause dependence or addiction

    The Internet is a source of learning and I work the advantages and disadvantages that it has only it can be depending on the use that him of every person.


  49. advantages:

    -we can talk with people of all the world
    -you can entertain watching videos
    -can study
    -learn many languages and other things
    -read books virtualy
    -listen music


    -no physical interaction
    -its bad for health
    -invade of privacy

    "The internet is bad depends of the use that you give it"

    Marvin Martinez*-* 11-B

  50. The internet has advantage like is more easier to shearch things, you can find all kind of things on internet, this can be a problem beacuase not everything is good, with the internet the comunication is better because we can talk with much people in everywhere place of the world, but sometimes is bad beacuase is addictive, some people is all day in internet and they can't stop, the internet has games too, we can know about some people, but are things that are personal and some people dont handle this, we can share pictures, videos, the worse of the internet is not know how to handle.



    the internet on a set of communication networks in which we can navigate composing functions like logic uns unique global network . There are many online services and other web protocols such as the email.


    * Makes communication much simpler .
    * You can meet and interact with many people from all over the world.
    * Information search becomes much easier, without having to go forcibly traditional libraries .
    * You can find many different points of view on any news .
    * It is possible to create and download free software for their collaborative tools.


    * You generated a large agency or internet service , descuidandote many personal things or business .
    * Makes less students strive to do their homework , because the bad practice of copy / paste.
    * Just as it is easy to find good information , you can find just as bad , nasty (pornography, graphic violence , terrorism) that may particularly affect children information.
    * In the area of ​​work, this can distract and put aside their work.
    * In the case of q if we drop the network, and we are in a major process , we would lose it all , and q tocaria start from the beginning .

     in conclusion

    ● It is the largest source of content worldwide . The Internet is a wealth of information , all we can ask just write it in Google and you get more than one answer . This is the biggest advantage .

    ● Many people fake profiles are created in the cloud in different social networks. So in Facebook for example , you must know how to identify them . It is a complicated issue , but it is not impossible to detect. This is a clear disadvantage of Internet .

  52. I think social networks are very important because help many people to make works, also, we can comunicated with people in the distance. But also, there are bads because many people use it to publicated porn or sexual harassment. There are people that use social networks to advertise their products or their companies, for that reason, one way or another, social networks becomes famous but we have to know how to use

    juan sebastian ospina correa


  53. advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
    the internet has made that many things better, as the research, communication, and information also the form of send messages is very easy than in the last.
    The advantage biggest for me is the form of communication, for that is possible interac with new people, communicate with family or friends that are away. The internet also helps with the study, one form of information is the reading, because is very easy the search books . the interneth also have forms of entertainment as for example the online games and social networks. If the interneth is used the form correct, make life very easier.
    the internet also brings disadvantages, for example sometimes the information that is provided is incorrect, in the part of entertainment, brings addiction problems and prevents us from social development, and other example is when we communicate with strangers, we don´t know the intentions of them and that can be risky.

    kevin rodriguez 11-B

  54. I think that internet it is good if you use to good things but like all it have its advantages and disadvantages.
    * Makes communication more EASY.
    * You can meet and interact with many people from all over the world.
    * LOKING FOR INFOTMATION becomes much easier, without TO go TO traditional libraries.
    * You can find many different points of view on any news.
    * It is possible to create and download free software for their collaborative tools.
    disadvantages .
    * You generated a large habit to the internet, to carelessness in many personal things or business.
    * to Makes that students do not their homework, because the bad practice of copy / paste.
    * Distracts employees in their work.
    * It wake up other problems such as spam, malware, proliferation of viruses, phishing, etc..
    * dependence of electricity energy . If there is a power outage at home, bye internet.
    Paula Triana. 10°B

  55. The Internet has billions of web pages created by people and companies from around the world, making it a limitless location to locate information and entertainmen.

    The internet has advantages but also have disadvantages.
    Some of the advantaes are:

    -You can find useful information easily
    -Communication:The foremost target of Internet has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. New innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world, some social networking sites are Fabook, twitter, instagram etc.
    - Entertainment is a reason why many people prefer to surf the Internet.
    -Online Services, you can biy a lot of things.

    And disadvantages:
    -Virus Threat, Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their systems.
    -You can have privacy.
    -The false information, to confuse the reader.
    -the internet can be very unsafe

    Paula Andrea De la rosa Cardona 10-A

  56. advantage
    Today it is easier to communicate on the Internet, send and receive data to make phone calls and communicate via conventional cards.

    The Internet enables cheap and subtle communication using various social media platforms (social networks).

    In business, streamlines procedures and information transfers, and improving business efficiency.

    Children can play online games from different countries performed in real time.

    have increased relations between people who know through social networks or websites dedicated exclusively for this purpose.


    Internet has drawbacks, such as viruses and spyware that can destroy, steal or alter data stored on computers.

    Another drawback of the internet is that it is very susceptible to produce delusions, especially in naive or inexperienced people on that platform

    However, the internet is now a tool that can be run from almost anywhere in the world, either by conventional computers (desktop or laptop), for mobile devices such as tablet's, smartphones and media arising after as advances in technology.


  57. The internet has its benefits as their disadvantages, we facilitates the communication with people who are find away, but I know if not use could move of the already serious by near be throughout the day internet; we share videos, images, views, we can find all and easy of is more, there are also do games, although the internet is addictive diviertr us already and distracts and we to a more important side things as outputs or meetings. the internet is good only if we use

  58. The internet today is now a personal tool for all people which helps us to do any research ,things like finding jobs , queries, in conclusion the Internet is very important to our daily lives although there are sometimes people who do not use it as a tool to do many things but inappropriate as pornography, theft, and even murder but sometimes you can wear your personal information can not suffer reserved these harassment, but the internet also helps to piracy and that's against the law.
    The Internet gives you instant access to almost all knowledge collected by mankind in the history of civilization ,
    In times where knowledge is power, access the Internet puts you in complete advantage over those who do not. Thanks to it you can read the latest on all different topics , you can get information on job opportunities , you can find out the latest fashion trends , avoid accidents and dangers, and learn from the answers written by millions of people in forums and blogs specialized .
    Just as it is easy to find good information , you can find just as bad , unpleasant information (pornography, graphic violence , terrorism) that may particularly affect children.
    You generated a large agency or internet service , forget many personal things or business ;makes less students strive to do their homework , because the bad practice of copy / paste.

  59. maybe the Internet can have its advantages are that we can communicate with our family in other countries more easily, find information about what we need, but its disadvantages are not only losing money by shopping online, if not also loses communication with our family and can create cyber addiction


    We offers various social networks like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, which are one of the important and enables us to stay connected with the rest of the world.
    Internet gives us a variety of different types of online games.
    Internet gives us the opportunity to be informed at all times.

    Internet can be very unsafe as we can steal data.
    There is a possibility that we become dependent on the Internet.
    Lots of people put false information on the internet to confuse readers.
    Many people are creating fake profiles in social networks.


    I think that the internet is very important because this helps us meet some needs. Below the advantages and disadvantages that i think about the internet:

    -It helps us to communicate, especially the social networks with family and friends.
    -We can also buy things.
    -Comunication very easy.
    -Get information.
    -Getting a job.
    -Play online.
    -Download apps, music and games.

    -Diseases to be sitting at a computer all day.
    -Some information may be false.

    In conclusion the internet is very good if used correctly.

  62. The internet has converted in the best invention in the world because it is the more used of the people especially in the young.

    Advantages of the internet

    You can communicate with your family, friends and the others peoples in the word.
    You can publish your photos and videos for others peoples.
    You can search information of the other countries like sights and wonders.
    Download music
    Easy communicate.

    Disadvantages of the internet

    Is addictive
    You can be hacked for other
    You away of your family and your friends
    Your information sometimes is bad and it can prejudice you


    I think that internet have much advantages like help the people to communicate whit family, the internet help when we want to investigate or consult about topic specific, in internet is very easy buy or sell objet to shops or peoples, is possible to share many personal things or knowledge that can serve other people, in conclusion the internet is one of the inventions most important in the history because help the progress of the people.

    The internet have disadvantages like the insecurity whit the personal information of the people, in internet nothing is really personal or private, generate great reliance or addiction mainly in the young that play video games on line or social network, the most swindle or theft performed in internet.


    The internet has cahnged our lifes, with the internet we can getting information easy and quickly, comunicate with other personr in any placce of world and we an know about the customs of this country...
    also, we can buy and sell all kind of thing through the internet, we can learn about any topic and inform us about the new of our country a other country also, the ineternet has disadvantages but there are due to bad use of the internet, the most important disadvantage is the internet makes man a useless person because the internet does all the work with the social networks the people lose privacy. In conclusion, the internet has allowed us develop quickly and has made easier everything for man.

  65. advantages of internet:

    the advantages of internet is that we can communicate wich people friends and family.we can made homework and investigate on topics.we can ask and solution problems of topics.we can donwland music or listen music and we can hitting to social networks as facebook,twitter,instagram.............

    DISADVANTAGES of internet:

    in the internet haven't segurity in the social networks because have information personal. we can steal money or hackear the of social networks

  66. The internet is a set of communication networks,that meet the need of the person, it is also very useful for both research and for education, that serves as both entertainment
    this has advantages and disadvantages

    *the internet gives us information about any topic
    *The communication is much simpler
    *Download apps as documents, images
    *It is possible to purchase products
    *We can see videos online.
    *The internet gives us the opportunity to be informed all the time
    *the internet its a very useful tool
    *find topics of interest

    *find unpleasant information: such as pornography, graphic violence etc..
    *publications with false information
    *The internet create addiction in social networks
    *the internet can have many virus
    *makes people deconcentrated

    the internet can be good if handled correctly

    Verónica Sierra 10B

  67. Hi Charlie!

    In my opinion the internet is a tool we can use to our advantage to inform and communicate around the world and know what happens in it, Internet has been something important in our lives, because it is used for almost everything, with internet we can set conversations on line, we can perform file transfer using , this type of tool can be a great advantage:
    when we work or do other activities as entertainment or learning, You can access information quickly from anyone, anywhere in the world,We used to communicate with distant family and friends,We can get to know people with the same personal tastes in social networks
    You can find different opinions from people on whatever subject.
    You can be a distraction for a job,It is a place where you will see much piracy,If we buy something, we may run the risk of a theft or a bad product, Criminals can use the internet for their own purposes , generates a great dependence or vice of the Internet neglects you of many personal or labor things.
    For most young people the internet is very useful, as they can do their jobs, communicate with friends, colleagues, with your boyfriend or girlfriend and their family. It is very useful to learn and research.

    Leidy Johanna Blanco 11°A

  68. The internet as we know have their advantages and disadvantages some times we use it to do right things and others times to do wrong things to the people. Here will see what are the advantages and disadvanges of the internet:
    We can use it to Communicate in an easy way with our family or friends. we can Find tasks in a clear way, we can do our tasks on line, We can read virtual books, Work virtually and we can have Classes by internet.
    Extortion by social networks, Piracy, Lack of interest in other activities, Sexual harassment, Lack of interest in research in books, distance us Away from our friends or family and make us Distractions at work or classes. Conclusion: The internet is an excellent way for daily life if we know to handle it in an appropriate way and without compromising with our social or family life. knowing manage fitness information and making good use of the internet.

    Cristian Jimenez 11°A

  69. I think that the internet it's really important for all us, like you said internet has some advantages and disadvantages.
    One advantage of internet is that we can speak, meet, see people of all around the world.
    Another advantage is that you can have every kind of information about every kind of theme.
    Another advantage is that you can see every places of the world, pay some travels, pay hotels, have a work, study, buy clothes, buy shoes, music, you can see every kind of movies, tv shows and whatever you want.

    Talking about the disadvantages i think that sometimes is dangerous because hackers can take all your information, know where do you live, they can steal your money, internet has so much cyberbullying, gore, porn, and in some persons the internet is addictive and the teens don't pass time with their families and friends.

    But generally i think that internet is the biggest thing of the world, and it's the most important thing that this world has, it's our decision how to use it.

  70. I think the internet has been very useful and important from the start as it allows many things. The internet has many advantages:

    -Makes communication much easy.
    -you can have information at hand.
    -you can study online.
    -It’s possible to interact with friends, familiars and people we know at different points of the world.
    -the internet offers some social pages like facebook, twitter, instragram, tumblr, etc.
    -offers all kinds of entertainment.

    but also disadvantages:

    -You can find bad information
    I-nternet you can find lots of piracy
    -We know what bad people in social networks, can be anonymous
    -If we buy something, we may run the risk of a theft or a bad product.
    -We can find information of bad content such as pornography and violence.


  71. The internet is apparently one of the best inventions in the history, we can communicate, listen to music, play video games, find information etc.
    Just minutes we can do it all.
    but as well have advantages and disadvantages, some are:


    -Immediacy of information.
    -Overcrowding content.
    -Barriers of time and space are eliminated.
    -teaching aids.
    -Interaction with community.
    -Increased contact with like minded people.


    -Computer Virus and Spam .
    -Internet usage in excess can generate high degree of dependence and addiction.

    Juan Pablo Serna J. 10°A

  72. Internet:

    The internet is an amazing invention to all over the world, it's so interesting and important. The advantages of internet, as you say, and everybody say, is that you can keep talking very easly and faster with others persons around the world, family and friends. I mean, internet can be so entertaining, the social networks, the games online, the music, and more. That can be a disadvantage, because teenagers get into that world, and forget their responsibilities, and later can be a illness, who knows?.
    the Internet can give us false information, it can fool us very easy, we have to take care, people lie and we don't have the true intentions.
    Internet is a wonderful tool for our daily life, it help us with our questions, homeworks... The most of times make our lifes more simple and easier.
    The internet is a very important tool, it obviously changed all the world, it is essential for us. People are afraid for a world without internet. (I am) so, i think that how do you use it, if you are careful and smart nothing bad will happen. It depens about your hobbies, and the correct way or how do you use it.

    Tatiana Monsalve Cardona. 10-B

  73. This world become depended of the internet, because with this form, we can found diferents apps like facebook. The advantage of it, is that we can communicated with our families, do investigations, listen to music and work.
    The desvantage of it, is that we can become adicted and we can be stolen, we become unresponsables and start to fail exams, and we don't work because of internet.

    So, we have to use internet careful

  74. Advantages and disadvantages of internet:
    I think the internet has this advantages: Some people used the internet for learn.
    Internet has all information about the world.
    You can buy things in internet.
    You can speak and meet people.
    the internet is a form of communication.
    You can listen music, read your favorites books and see your favorites movies.
    and the disadvantages of the internet are:
    sometimes is dangerous because you don't have privacy.
    You can be stolen.
    The internet can be generate addiction.
    some people used the internet for cyberbullying, gore and porn.
    The internet it's so important for the society but you have to be carefu
    You can buy things in internet.
    You can speak and meet people.
    the internet is a form of communication.
    You can listen music, read your favorites books and see your favorites movies.
    and the disadvantages of the internet are:
    sometimes is dangerous because you don't have privacity.
    You can be stolen.
    The internet can be generate addiction.
    some people used the internet for cyberbullying, gore and porn.

    The internet it's so important for the society but you have to be careful.


  75. the Internet is the network of networks which millions of computers can connect to each other
    the total number of internet users today amounts to several million

    -make communication easier
    -interact with many people from around the world
    -the information search becomes easier
    -find virtual classes

    -there also also find good information poor
    -make students strive less
    -there are people who misuse give the copy and paste information
    -people can become addicted

    do not forget to make good use of internet

    alejandra gonzalez vasquez 10-A


    *It does the much simpler communication.

    *It is possible to know and to interact with many persons of all parts of the world

    *The search of information becomes much simpler, without having to go forzadamente to the traditional libraries.

    *It is possible to find many points of different view on some news.

    * There is possible the creation and unload of free software, for his collaborative tools.

    *The computer gets up-to-date períodicamente easier than if not tuvieramos Internet.

    * It is possible to find technical support of all kinds on some tool or process.

    * The follow-up of the information in time royal is possible across the Internet


    * * As well as it is of easily to find good information, it is possible to find of the same form bad, disagreeable information (pornography, explicit violence, terrorism) that can affect specially the minors.
    * it generates a great dependence or vice of the Internet, being careless many personal or labor things.
    * It Does that the students strain less in doing his tasks, due to the bad practice of the copy/paste.
    * The principal bridge of the piracy is hospitalize.

  77. The Internet we know is a very important, necessary tool for our use, etc ... and I think there are advantages and disadvantages of this tool so great and we are giving misuse.
    -The first advantage is that it facilitates us much at work.
    -The Internet also provides us a lot to communicate with people from elsewhere. It gives us lots of useful information, we will also learn in this way.
    -Social networks are hereby apart from nis facilitates communication with distant people gives us to meet new people.
    - You can download your articles, music, etc ... Favorite.

    - But we all know that part of the Internet is a useful tool to grab and has many great things, know that it has many disadvantages.
    - The first disadvantage is that they are social networks, everything good has its bad thing and this is no danger, you run the risk that strangers will remove personal information may even distortion as much as can they run the risk of losing your life. -Another that produces a lot of Internet addiction and stop doing things we used to do with our loved ones.
    - Another is that because students find it easy to do your homework so you no longer have the same effort to make things right.
    -Distractions at work and in the studio.

    -In conclusion we should all delicacies good use of the Internet, but we all know that however little we use this great tool as we know that at some point we will give very bad use.

    Valentina Martinez Valle 10-A

  78. lizeth libandi carmona tobon 10-A

    internet advantages:
    the internet is a very useful tool today ,we can use it to search jobs , lets us know of world events , lets us better communication with people who are not close , if we have an information in another language, allows us to translate , play video games ,  download movies, music, pictures, programs, etc. ,allows us to study and learn other languages , buy products or services and also thanks to the internet we can investigate or ask about a specific topic

    internet disadvantages
    can be a distraction, we don´t have privacy or security in social networks , we can found bad information , lose the contact , the communication and the trust with our family and friends , makes us lazy to investigate , us away from nature and life , and also we makes addicts and slaves of the electronic devices.

    we have to be balanced

  79. Advantages:

    -I think the main advantage is the ability to communicate with loved ones who are far from us
    -The ease with which information we can find something
    -The variety of interesting topics that we can find
    -With the internet we can learn many issues to our satisfaction
    -The ease with which we can disclose any information
    -We can have fun with any game
    -We can see pictures
    -We can see videos
    -We can hear music
    -We can see movie


    -We may be victims of any burglary
    -If you do not give a limit, we could end up sexually abused
    -It is a tool to easily give out any information, but if we use it to hurt someone, he could bring this person problems Psychological, Physical, and many other problems
    -If we do not properly used, we could get to visit pages that are not to our liking
    -Mainly social networks, to provide comments in bad taste and even display information that is not true, and thus, damage the image of a person

    Sebastian Perez Cano 10°A

  80. DISADVENTAGES : some of the information that we fin don the internet is inaccurate, inappropriate or we don’t know who wrote it,you can spend many hours infront of the computers, and they don’t go outside,a few people cancontrol the time that they spend using a computer,the users of internet spend a lot of time alone with the computer and it is a problem.

    ADVANTAGES : at the same time, it's a source of competitive advantage and shareholder value,more comunication,more information,to make homework easy

  81. DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET: Internet pages to allow young people to access information according to their age not also all that internet consultation is not truthful and real, the internet is full of great information that is rubbish if not appropriately uses a received Internet information inappropriately may have a full message of violence to people.

    ADVANTAGES OF THE INTERNET: You can very easily locate information about some topic also allows us to perform many queries overall, shortens the communication, it is easier to communicate with people from other cities and other countries, allows us to send files, videos, documents and pictures so fast, immediate, right through banks monetary transactions can be performed effectively shortening the distance between cities thanks to internet.


  82. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  83. Advantages and disadvantages of the internet

    * Is important because we communicate with many people
    *we can listen to music and watch videos
    *we can investigate
    *Is easier search for information
    *It is great source of entertainmet
    *we can meet new people of different places

    *Distracs from different activities
    *We find false information
    *distracts students in school
    *we can find piracy
    *we can generate a large addition

    Veronica Viedma Arango 10-A

  84. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  85. I think that the advantages and the disadvantages of use internet depends of each person because were decided to do with it.
    a advantages is that you can talk with persons that are far away, by internet you can read stories and books of your taste, can also study online, you can buy and search much information.
    but also has disadvantages as the fraud that is performed by internet, also that every day us away of our family, and each time more come upon information useless.
    but all depends of each person. ALEJANDRO JARAMILLO. 10°B

  86. The internet has many advantages but it also has disadvantages, that's why we must learn how to take advantage from its benefits. Some internet advantages are: communication is easier with your relatives and friends if they're far away. You can interact with other people. The internet has many advantages but also disadvantages that's why we have books, we become too dependent for internet, we can find bad and harmful people , internet is very distracting when you're doing a homework, we must take advantage from good things about internet. Erika Juliana Ramirez Diaz 11°a

  87. Advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

    The advantages of the internet are many but, as well as there are many advantages, there are also many disadvantages.
    Advantages of the internet:
    Information becomes more accessible to its users
    You can buy things without leaving home
    It facilitates communication between people.
    It is a good source of entertainment.
    People may be isolated from the real world with the excessive use of the internet
    People get used to do everything from their computer and finally they don’t do things for themselves, because they are accustomed that the internet makes all for them.

    Internet is a source of entertainment but, it can also become a source of distraction moving us away from our obligations and not allowing us to comply with these.


  88. Today it is very common that we handle all from small computers, but we see that as all brings its advantages and disadvantages, the internet is a very productive and easy to use tool, one of its advantages is that through social networks can communicate with loved ones around but have not misuse this we move away from the people who have close and forget the world, another serious advantage through the internet can make queries more easily and quickly and is very useful Study not yet back and no longer seek lazy reading to acquire more knowledge.

    in conclusion we can say q the internet is an excellent tool and very important work today but if you know how to use could be the worst enemy of man

    Valeria Echeverry 10-A

  89. The la internet is really important depends how you use it. The good things are: -you can do your homeworks for your school -you can improve your knowlodge about something that you are interest -you can enjoy good music -you can have a good time doing good things But the bad things are: -spend your time in thins that aren't good for you
    -hack other accounts -when you do bullying to someone
    This are the good and bad thing depends of the how you use the internet, the internet like all the things has good and bad things, is your decisition doing. ..........


  90. adventage of the internet:
    -is very important, and has many advantages
    - we can chat whit our distant relatives, our
    friends and many people
    -helps in the tasks
    -allows us to discover many things
    -we can meet people of different places
    -we can see pictures, music, videos, and movies
    -is a system of education

    Disadvantages of the internet:
    -can be a distraction.
    -it can be used in a manner not appropiate
    -can distract us many things
    -grow as people of easy mind.
    -promotes mediocrity
    -distracts us of essential things in life

    in conclusion the internet can be a great friend or an enemy, all depends on how you use.


  91. The Internet for me is something fundamental and it is part of my life, I try to stay connected all the time even for the cell or on any computer that I have nearby.
    The advantages that I see the internet is that through the I stay in touch with friends and meet new people, I can easily check homework and put me in school also downloaded the music that I like, the internet is maximum for me is the best thing ever invented.
    The disadvantages are several among them, creates addiction, if you dedicate yourself to add people you know you can not fall in big trouble as it is white slavery among others, and insulates you from society you end up communicating in this way and only missed many activities to more satisfactory, another thing that creates obesity in children and youth to be all the time in front of a computer instead of exercising.
    My name is Cristian Nuñez

  92. Advantages and disadvantages about Internet:
    Internet is a helpful tool, if the people use that to do good things.
    One of the advantages is you can have information easier than another times.
    Internet connect too many people around the world, also we can find different things inmediatly.
    You can listen to music, read, play games, meet people with just one click.
    They're the positive things, but Internet has disadvantages too, one of this is the unsafe it could be, if you don’t know how to use it, maybe you can find obscene content.

    Manuela Arcila Ortiz, 10-A, :).

  93. Advantages of the Internet
    'It's a quick and easy to find information medium.
    -Interact with distant or nearby people.
    - Find News
    'It's a good way to distract yourself.

    Disadvantages of the Internet
    -In some cases; addiction.
    -Understand and deal with people who have bad intentions.


  94. Advantages and disadvantages of internet

    The advantages of the Internet
    We can still talk to different people in different places can upload photos and save them to the interned can also store information, buy things interned can also find information and deepen a theme, find a job, search for topics that interest you see news in review subjects listening to music videos playing see images

    Is that it is so easy to use can fall very easily into pages falsify buy tickets to travel false, losing money entering porn sites, losing information on fake websites, watching violent programs so that young people are with a great degree of violence and there are some people who sell information to others and there are also people who steal the interned
    Julio cesar benitez torres 10-B

  95. Today social networks are the primary source of communication worldwide, since by its number of registered users, can meet new people and friends you have on your personal life.
    All this has its benefits, but also has its cons, for the perverted people, virus, etc.
    We review the most important.


    Revisiting known.

    Opportunity to join Flashmobs (short meetings via online for games and entertainment in order to mobilize thousands of people)

    Excellent for promoting new contacts affective as matchmaking, friendship or sharing interests nonprofit.

    Share special moments with those close to our lives.

    Diluted geographical boundaries and serve to connect people regardless of distance.

    Disadvantages :

    Dangerous if privacy is not configured properly, then expose our private lives.

    There may be cases of impersonation.

    Missing data in the control.

    They can be addictive and devour large amount of our time, they are ideal for leisure.

    They can take all the content we publish.


  96. my grandparents are visiting at home and brought us many gifts and goodies to eat already have pasiado much and we are happy with the presence of them at home my brother is happy that already is on vacation and not lost any matter and is wrath of travel with my grandparents and I'm going to rest farm with my parents and my pets to have much fun since you have is all very quiet and there is much to do so I will not be sad
